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Metal Buttons

Wholesale metal buttons - Are you looking for Metal Buttons? After compare the Metal buttons on all the online stores, you will find that is your best choice. We provide all kinds of Metal buttons and the amazing thing is that all of these awesome Metal buttons are selling at incredible low price. A wide selection of products are available here, you may find something you interested in.

3 Result(s)

Zinc Based Alloy Metal Sewing Shank Buttons Round Antique Silver Flower Carved 23mm( 7/8") Dia, 100 PCs

USD 11.40~USD 16.77
USD 10.63
Discount Price by Qty(Unit: Pack)
USD 16.77
USD 10.63
USD 13.25
USD 10.63
USD 11.40
USD 10.63
Part No.: B09134H

Zinc Based Alloy Metal Jeans Tack Buttons Round Antique Bronze Pentagram Star Carved 17mm x8mm( 5/8" x 3/8") 8mm x8mm( 3/8" x 3/8"), 500 Sets

USD 11.20~USD 11.78
USD 9.96
Discount Price by Qty(Unit: Pack)
USD 11.78
USD 9.96
USD 11.20
USD 9.96
Part No.: B17227H
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