Anniversary Sale
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  1. Color : Light Blue X
  2. Hole Size : 6.2mm 2.8mm X
  3. Hole Size : 1.8mm x 0.2mm X
  4. Material : Plastic + Alloy X
  5. Pattern : Circle X
  6. Size : 19mm x 18mm X
  7. Thickness : 9.0mm X
  8. Thickness : 9.9mm X
Needle Thickness

Sewing Tools

Wholesale Sewing Tools – these things will make your sewing tools nice. Needles - You'll want to look for "sharps" for basic sewing, it includes Scissors, Pincushion & Pins, Measuring tape, Air soluble/water soluble marking pens, Seam Ripper, Beeswax, Thimbles, Thread or Floss, Fabric and sewing needle Booklet.
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